Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Dr. Michael T. Bell

Rev. Dr. Michael T. Bell is native of Marshall, Texas. He recognized his call to ministry early in life and entered public ministry at the age of 16. An advocate of preparation, he matriculated through the City College of Chicago with an Associate degree and the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science degree while stationed with the Army in Heidelberg, Germany. In 1991 after returning to the United States, he attended the Howard University School of Divinity in Washington, D.C., and transferred to Virginia Union University Samuel DeWitt Proctor School of Theology in Richmond, Virginia attaining a Master of Divinity Degree (Cum Laude). He culminated his journey at the United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio by receiving his Doctor of Ministry Degree, as a Samuel D. Proctor – Otis Moss, Jr. fellow in 1996. His doctoral thesis was ‘How the Church Conducts Ministry to the Community’.
His vision through the years is an empowered body of believers equipped to foster sufficient ministry for themselves and God’s community at large. His personal mission statement is ‘Reaching out to embrace, Teaching to empower and Preaching to inspire persons to achieve their personal best’. Dr. Bell has pastored 7 Churches, crossed denominational boundaries and served in the social, economic and political constructs of urban, rural, suburban, national and international environments. From 1973 – 1981, his ministry reached congregations from Dallas, Texas to Boston, Mass. Upon entering the military, he was endorsed by the Progressive National Baptist Convention and the European Command Chief of Chaplains’ Office to provide ministry for soldiers serving in the European Command. While on active duty, Dr. Bell served three multi-cultural congregations in Germany: The Mainz Baptist Fellowship in Mainz, the Zion Baptist Fellowship and the Greater New Zion Baptist Church in Mannheim, where he was the organizing Pastor. Before relocating back to the United States, Dr. Bell instituted a succession plan that enabled the Zion Baptist Church to function on the German economy without assistance from the government, independently or align with any Convention. By choice, it aligned with the Progressive National Baptist Convention USA.
In 1991, after returning to the United States, Rev. Dr. Bell joined the Purity Baptist Church, but was quickly called to serve the Little Ark Baptist Church in King George, Virginia as its 1st full time pastor. From 1992-1998, the church flourished in membership, community engagement, became a political advocate for change and underwent a building renovation, extensively enlarging the sanctuary. In the Fall of 1998, he was extended the call to serve the Peace Baptist Church congregation located at 712 18th Street NE, Washington, D.C. and has served for 24 years. During his tenure, Peace acquired several homes, consolidated lots, razed properties, and has expanded, redirected, and realigned ministries to better serve kingdom building. The sound, selfless leadership of Pastor Bell and the combined efforts of the Congregation resulted in the completion of a major renovation project in 2014. That project started just prior to one of the most devastating financial collapses since the Great Depression. Through astute leadership the $1.3 million project was paid off and the mortgage burned 10 years ahead of schedule. Among many other enhancements to the church’s ministry, PBC transformed it’s IT and Virtual footprints to a state-of-the arts platforms while serving through the COVID-19 Pandemic. Over ½ million dollar of physical security hardening was and is in process through attaining Nonprofit Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency grants. Reverend Dr. Bell’s approach to ministry continues to demonstrate love for all ‘People’, not the pursuit of a personal agenda. To the glory of God, Peace Baptist Church has experienced numerous persons accepting faith in Jesus Christ, who are continually being developed into mature disciples. Pastor Bell has instituted a Biblically-based, Christ-centered, Community-oriented, teaching ministry that is also steeped in the authentic expression of the African American preaching tradition, while reaching a diverse and ecumenical following. He is the author of ‘The Eulogist, Comforting Words for Catastrophic Wounds’. As endorsed by Dr. Alfred C. D. Vaughn; ‘it is a must read to unpack the art of conducting funerals’.
During his model, twenty-year military career, Dr. Bell ascended in rank from Private to First Sergeant. Astutely, he retired with the Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal with 6 oak leaf clusters, Army Achievement Medal with 3 Oak Leaf clusters, 6 Good conduct medals, National Defense Service Medal, 3 Non-commissioned officer professional development ribbons, Expert Field Medical badge, Aviation Crewman’s Badge, Army Service ribbon, 2 Overseas service ribbons, Legion of Merit award, and much more. His expertise spanned the medical field as an Air evacuation field medic, 1SM of military medical commands in Germany and the Walter Reed Army Medical Facility. His career covered the continents of the USA, Panama, European Command, and as a result exciting medical and classified covert assistance operations to Mauritania, Africa. His service was such that after retirement he was requested to services troops in Bosnia and Kosovo Hertzovina, and Bad Kreuzrach, Germany.
Reverend Dr. Bell is married to Rev. Dr. E. Faith Montgomery Bell of Buffalo, New York and they are the proud parents of three adult sons; Raymond, Michael (Robin) and Israel (Catrina), and 7 seven grandchildren, family is his lifeline and heartbeat.
We will cherish every moment of his pastorate, his influences on our lives, his deposits into our spirits and that “Words fitly spoken are as apples of gold, in pictures of silver!” Proverbs 25:11