Our Leaders

Rev. Michael C. Bell, Pastor
The Reverend Michael Christian Bell is a native of Fayetteville, North Carolina. He was licensed as the seventh son of the Little Ark Baptist Church on July 24, 1994. He joined Peace Baptist Church on December 20, 1998. Soon after he served concurrently as the Youth Pastor and Executive Pastor. He received ordination on September 27, 2003.
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Rev. Dr. E. Faith Bell, Chief Operating Officer
Rev. Dr. E. Faith Bell was born in Buffalo, New York and relocated to North Carolina in her early teens, spent ten years in Germany, and currently resides in Dahlgren, Virginia. Reverend Bell was called to the ministry as a young child, and adhered to that call in 1974, in which she became a third-generation preacher.
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Rev. Dr. Michael T. Bell, Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Dr. Michael T. Bell is a native of Marshall, Texas. He recognized his call to ministry early in life and entered public ministry at the age of 16. An advocate of preparation, he matriculated through the City College of Chicago with an Associate degree and the University of Maryland with a Bachelor of Science degree.
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Gaby Watts
Chair of Trustees

Harold Jefferson
Chair of Diaconate