Health and Safety Updates
October 28, 2022, Covid Vaccine Policy update
PBC has relaxed its Covid 19 protocol. Masks are not mandatory in the sanctuary, but please be aware that Covid is real, and the Flu season is here. We strongly recommend wearing a mask and respecting the space of others. Thank you for your help in maintaining a safe and healthy environment.
July 21, 2022 – Return to Mandatory Masks
Due to the increased cases along with hospitalizations related to the new Omicron Variant BA 5, Peace Baptist Church will return to mandatory masks while in the sanctuary at all times. We should continue to practice social distancing and refrain from shaking hands and hugging one another. We encourage everyone to be vaccinated and boosted to help enhance protection from Covid 19. Thank you for your cooperation in helping us to maintain a safe environment.
April 4, 2022 – Covid protocol update
Peace Members, Community, Family & Friends,
PBC is relaxing COVID-19 protocols based on current data! Beginning Sunday, April 10, masks are preferred but not mandatory.
We highly encourage you to wear a mask in the sanctuary.
Proof of Covid 19 vaccination is no longer required.
Frequent hand sanitizing is requested.
Social distancing, where possible, is requested
We Thank you for helping Peace to maintain a safe and healthy environment.
February 12, 2022 – Church Reopening Notice
We will be reopening our church on Sunday, March 6, 2022. We are requesting individuals attending Sunday service to provide proof of Covid 19 vaccination or show proof of a negative covid test result that was taken within 72-hours prior to your attendance at Peace. Individuals will be in the vestibule during and after service to obtain vaccination information. If you have any questions please call the church at 202-399-3450 and leave a message. Let us continue to stay safe as we battle this disease together.
December 20, 2021 – Church Pause Communication
We must continue to be vigilant in the fight against Covid 19 as the number of positive cases increases again daily across the United States. There is now a surge of the ‘Omicron Variant’ which appears to spread much quicker than the ‘Delta Variant’. We at Peace Baptist have been very diligent in attempting to protect our entire congregation and community. Until further notice, all services will be virtual. We invite our congregation, friends, and families to join us in the Cyber Sanctuary at 9:45 am for Sunday Worship through, or Youtube or PBC Mobile App, which can be downloaded from the Google Play store or the App-store. Please check our website for educational and other virtual activities. If you have any questions, please call the main office at 202-399-3451. Let us continue to stay safe as we battle this disease together. More information related to data, vaccination, and testing at
December 19, 2021
We are carefully monitoring updates as COVID 19 policies are rapidly changing. More information is forthcoming!
November 17, 2021
The Mayor of the District of Columbia changed the COVID-19 status from a Pandemic to an Epidemic. Until further notice, there will be no change in Peace Baptist Church protocols.
Mask mandates are still enforced, regardless of vaccination status for public transportation, taxi & rideshare services, schools/childcare facilities/libraries, and ‘Congregate facilities’ such as nursing homes/shelters & correctional facilities.
October 2021
If you are visiting us in person, we are requesting that you provide proof of your COVID-19 vaccination or show proof of a negative covid test result that was taken within 72-hours prior to your attendance at Peace.
July 31, 2021 – Proof of Vaccination
The Covid 19 Pandemic has not ended and the Delta Variant changes things, it accounts for 80% of newly diagnosed cases. Beginning Sunday, August 8th we are requesting individuals attending Sunday Service to provide proof of Covid 19 vaccination. Individuals will be in the vestibule during and after service to obtain vaccination information. If you have any questions please call Sister Cathy Jones at 202-399-3451 and leave a message. Let us continue to stay safe as we battle this disease together.
More information related to data, vaccination and testing:
June 6, 2021 – Return to Sanctuary
Peace will return to the Sanctuary on June 6, 2021. There will be designated stations for hand sanitizer. It will be mandatory for visitors to wear a mask. Also, there will be a limited use of the building.
July 17, 2020 – A Message from our Pastor
Dear Peace,
I want to update you on our position, as Mayor Bowser extends the state of emergency for the District of Columbia into October. I applaud her guidance, that in light of the health data reports in DC and World-wide, a wise mitigation response to this pandemic is absolutely necessary. Likewise, my priority and that of the ministry at PBC is your health and safety. As such, we will continue to follow the operating guidance that encourages Houses of Worship to provide virtual services. We will not return to the physical sanctuary until it is practical to do so. In doing so, we need to ensure we can reach out and touch you virtually, telephonically and through all mediums of correspondence. To do so, we need your help. Please
- Visit our website at to update your contact information.
- Without a computer? Please call the church at (202) 399-3450 and leave your information.
- All data is treated as sensitive and confidential
- Join us in the Cyber-Sanctuary; Sundays at 10am and Wednesdays at 12pm.
- Visit the website, and join our other activities: Wednesday prayer conference calls, Sunday School, Fitness training, Ladies Night, Social Justice and more.
- Reach out and pray one for another.
I also want you to know that our deacons and representatives will be contacting you just to check-in, as family. They will identify themselves accordingly and never ask you for contributions or financial data. But, I do thank you for how you have responded so far, in helping to keep Peace financially solvent with your giving. May you continue to be blessed as we weather this storm, together.
The First Lady and I stand together in solidarity with love for you.
Rev. Dr. Michael T. Bell,
Senior Serving Shepherd
Peace Baptist Church
June 21, 2020 – Reopening Message from our Pastor
Dear Peace;
As the District of Columbia enters into COVID-19 Phase 2 reopening procedures, in order to mitigate danger to God’s people, we have decided to follow their encouragement that Houses of Worship continue to provide virtual services. In addition, the criteria of
- indoor capacity limits of no more than 100 persons or 50% of capacity, whichever is less,
- encouragement not to have choirs or singing and
- to not pass around or share items,
is not practical for our congregation. As a result, the PBC reopening plan has been adjusted to anticipate returning to the sanctuary the first Sunday in August (August 2nd), if conditions remain favorable. I know I am anxious to return, but we remain committed to keeping our congregation and community safe, blending faith and science in making our decision to reenter the physical sanctuary. Until then, see you in the Cyber Sanctuary. Thank you for your love, steadfastness and financial support to Peace, as much work continues.
Rev. Dr. Michael T. Bell,
Senior Serving Shepherd
Peace Baptist Church
April 15, 2020 – Mayor Bowser Extends Public Health Emergency, Stay at Home Order
Mayor Muriel Bowser issued Mayor’s Order 2020-063 to extend the state of emergency and public health emergency for Washington, DC through May 15, 2020, as the District continues to fight the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19).
The Mayor extended the emergencies and issued new health and safety requirements in an effort to protect vulnerable populations during the COVID-19 public health emergency. The new order clarifies that face masks are required for:
- hotel workers, guests, and visitors;
- individuals using taxis, ride shares, private transportation providers;
- workers and customers of food sellers; and
- strongly encouraged for workers and individuals using public transit.
March 21, 2020 – PBC Communication
Hello Peace family! We hope you are staying safe during these trying times. We aim to keep you updated and want to send a reminder that the church is closed during this time. The closure includes the events. Please join us our live stream on Sundays at 10 a.m.
March 20, 2020 – Mayor Bowser Extends Modified District Operating Status and Prohibition on Mass Gatherings During Public Health Emergency
(WASHINGTON, DC) – Today, Mayor Muriel Bowser announced that she has extended the District of Columbia Government’s modified operating status until April 27, including the adjusted DC Government operating posture and distance learning at the District’s public schools.
DC Government will operate under an agency-specific telework schedule, continuing to deliver essential services and keep critical systems and services operating. Some government operations will be performed fully remotely, while other services will continue to be performed at public buildings, but under modified operations.
The Mayor also extended the prohibition on mass gatherings during a public health emergency until April 25, 2020.
View the entire press release.
March 13, 2020 – A Message From Our Pastor

The following are protocols for PBC:
- As of now, there is a ban of mass gatherings not to exceed 250 people, and at-risk individuals – people over 60, people with underlying medical conditions, or people with compromised immune systems should not gather with more than 10 people.
- Meetings on Saturday, March 14 are canceled, except for Shared Food distribution and the CPR class!
- There is only 1 service this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. observing the specific conditions above. NO SUNDAY School
- All meetings during the week must be virtual; to include but not limited to POTM and Issachar functions.
- Spring intensive is canceled until the ban is lifted! Individuals should feel free to continue dialogue with the instructor as needed.
- Transportation is being suspended until further notice.
- Online giving is functional and should be used to the greatest extent possible. Please access through our website (
- If you feel sick or know you’ve been exposed, have flu-like symptoms, high fever or underlying conditions please join us online at
For further information, visit
Also, visit the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources Tool Kit