“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33 Question: What is fasting: Answer: Fasting is learning to…
The Peace Baptist Church youth Department will be collecting hygienic and clothing Donations for Eastern Senior High School’s Young Parent Program. Donations will be accepted until June 12. The following…
We encourage you to join us in person at Peace Baptist Church or via Zoom every Wednesday at 7 pm for our Lenten Services. Zoom Details Join the Zoom Call https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89089628318?pwd=QWJ0RXZsWG5heVBqcVhKZUxTRVYvdz09 Meeting…
October 28, 2022, Covid Vaccine Policy update PBC has relaxed its Covid 19 protocol. Masks are not mandatory in the sanctuary, but please be aware that Covid is real, and…
We now have a Mobile App. Android phones Go to the Google Play Store and search for “Peace Baptist Church DC” Click here to get the app for Android Apple…
Join us for prayer on Monday-Friday at 12 noon. (except Wednesday) On Wednesdays, we will continue to have Bible Study at noon and Prayer Call at 1pm. (727) 731-4642
Instructions Download Cash APP and set up your account. Select the amount you wish to donate. In “To” field type in $PBC712. In the “For” field you must include your…